The Village of Maywood – Downtown Transit-Oriented Development
Village of Maywood
Maywood, IL
Maywood is a diverse community of working class families and passionate community advocates. With recent investment and strong stakeholder involvement, the Village is poised for a catalytic transformation and recovery from decades of disinvestment that began with the decline of industry in the late 1900s.

Supported by funding from the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), The Village of Maywood engaged SCB to prepare a Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Plan (TOD Plan) building upon their recently renovated Metra station.
The plan was developed through meaningful interaction with residents, business owners, professionals, property owners, and municipal officials. These interactions guided recommendations to expand on past initiatives, re-evaluate past policies, capitalize on community assets, and establish a contemporary vision for the future of Downtown Maywood.
Key goals of the Plan are to:
- Identify opportunities for development that creates a positive impact on the community;
- Increase mixed-use development;
- Increase daytime population to support existing businesses and attract new investment;
- Attract new visitors and residents;
- Encourage walking, biking, and healthier lifestyles;
- Support growth in Pace and Metra ridership.
The market analysis identifies a growing need for residential density in and around Downtown Maywood, from small-scale, multi-family rental units, to townhouses of various price-ranges. It also prioritizes the redevelopment of existing vacant commercial properties and attracting food service and entertainment businesses.
The TOD Plan identifies strategies for accommodating growth, while maintaining and accentuating the many positive characteristics of the community. The recommendations of the TOD Plan include development concepts and strategic policy changes to ensure that future Village growth is aligned with the real estate market demands, existing historic character, and long-term goals of the community. The plan was adopted by the Village board in May of 2020.

The plan was developed through meaningful interaction with residents, business owners, professionals, property owners, and municipal officials.