Northeast Side Plan
City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
The Northeast Side Plan is one of twelve sub-area plans that comprise the City of Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan covers a broad and diverse segment of Milwaukee including the Riverworks Industrial Center and the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (UWM) to the north, Brewers Hill and Brady Street to the south, Bronzeville and King Drive to the west, and Lake Michigan waterfront parks and beaches to the east.
The Northeast Side Plan evaluates the assets and opportunities of each sub-district and identifies key initiatives to guide development that will build on the strategic resources of the Northeast Side. Planning recommendations respond directly to Milwaukee’s rich history and natural and cultural resources in conjunction with community goals and values. The proposed action list provides a detailed blueprint for future economic development and identifies specific catalytic projects that will support these strategic opportunities.
SCB’s planning group was engaged in a vigorous decision-making process, working with numerous community and neighborhood organizations in a series of project workshops. A diverse city/community management team and an active 100-person Planning Advisory Group (PAG) provided guidance and leadership in organizing these workshops. This project was recognized by APA Wisconsin for excellence with the Best Practice in Planning Award.