Ogden Avenue Corridor Master Plan
The Ogden Avenue Corridor in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood includes property owned by the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), Sinai Health Systems, and Cinespace Film Studios. As part of a multi-step process, SCB engaged with these major institutional leaders by facilitating collaborative discussions about the future of the corridor.

SCB then created concepts for the comprehensive revitalization of the corridor, proposing coordinated private developments and public realm improvements. Building off of the strengths of the neighborhood, SCB proposed affordable housing, office, medical, and retail uses to revitalize vacant and underutilized properties.

These concepts led to more detailed investigations, including defining the first phase of development comprised of an SCB-designed office and retail building named Ogden Commons. The office building reinforces the Ogden Avenue commercial corridor and provides active retail frontage, as well as creates a memorable gateway into the area from the east. Future phases of the project will include 235 mixed income and CHA residential units in low-rise and townhouse buildings that fit into and continue the fabric of the surrounding neighborhood.