TOD & COD Development Plan
South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association
Chicago South Suburbs
SCB worked with the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA), with support from the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development and the U.S. Economic Development, for the purpose of conducting a study of eight transit-oriented and cargo-oriented development sites in the south suburban region of Cook County.
Of these municipalities, three were classified as Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and five were classified as Cargo Oriented Development (COD). The study aimed to increase the supply of high-quality, mixed-income housing near transit stations; provide commercial uses within station areas; increase the employment base; build the local tax base; increase transit ridership; and decrease traffic congestion and air pollution

The goal of this COD/TOD planning study was to provide municipalities with an initial framework of planning concepts and site analysis for the redevelopment or the creation of specific “shovel-ready,” catalytic projects for COD or TOD sites in the south suburbs of Chicago. Discussions with municipal representatives and other stakeholders served to inform the consultant team of existing issues, challenges, opportunities, and threats affecting each of the eight sites. Having an understanding of the conditions affecting each one of the sites assisted the team in determining a realistic phased development plan with the right mix of land uses that are consistent with current development trends and are supported by market data.
Primary issues for the cargo-oriented development included multi-modal and trans-loading connectivity, specifically barge or rail to truck distribution centers, and connecting appropriately skilled labor to jobs via transit, rail, and roadway networks. The team also had to find a way to connect suppliers to manufacturers and distributors, and to improve local economies by increasing the employment base. The last challenge was to develop marketing products to solicit interest in future COD or TOD development. The consultant team assessed the development potential of each site based on a series of development-readiness criteria. As a result, the team created planning tools and recommendations to assist each municipality in achieving their redevelopment goals.